Teacher Cohort ApplicationApplications accepted on a rolling basis. Learn more about the cohort. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Pronouns (feel free to leave blank) How do you racially identify? * What grade level do you teach or lead? * Early childhood (preK) K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 Other Other: What positions do hold in your institution? Choose all roles that apply. Choose all that apply. Teacher Team Leader Administrator Other Other: Why are you interested in joining this cohort? * If you are already intentionally doing anti-bias and/or anti-racist work in your personal or professional life, what does that work look like? If you are not, what is holding you back? * How do your social identities impact your teaching? Social identities might include race, gender, language, abilities etc.) * What is your favorite thing to teach? Why? This could be a concept, a novel, project-based learning etc. * What else would it be meaningful for us to know about you? Thank you!